Friday, June 28, 2019

Beach Cookout

Today R1 & R8 went to the beach for a cookout.

In my group was Milan, Rebekkah, Nathan J and Wyatt and our adult supervisor
was Mrs Maclean.
We were trying to make a campfire shaped in a triangle position and wait for
it to burn down to embers so we could cook our food.
My group made fish tortillas and pancakes.
We then had to clean our plates and get ready to go back to school.
It was really fun and yum but it was time to go back to school. I had fun and enjoyed it.

Noho Marae Recount

Marae Recount

On Tuesday the 5th of *march we were getting ready to go to the
Arahura *marae.
We were getting into our cars and getting ready to leave.
Everyone was excited and waiting to leave.

Powhiri Process

The drive took about 15 mins to get to the marae.
When we were out of our cars we had to put on our rain jackets because it was raining.
Before we started the powhiri process outside the gate we had  to sing He Honore.
After He *honore one of the tangata whenua came and opened the gate.
Then the kaikaranga started to call us on to the marae.
Miss Ireland started to call back until we were at the edge of
the porch where the Tangata Whenua were standing. Before we went inside we took our shoes off. The boys would sit in front of the girls.
Then the whaikorero from the Tangata whenua spoke first, after he had finished the whaikorero from the manuhiri spoke.
Finally after the whaikorero was finished we sang a waiata,
and gave the gift to the Tangata whenua.
Morning Tea

After we had finished the powhiri we went
into the wharekai to have some morning tea before
we went down to the river.
There were savories, red velvet cake and water, I really enjoyed the red velvet cake. Everyone liked the food and was ready to look for some pounamu.
Pounamu Hunting
When we were down at the river it was really fun looking for
pounamu but unfortunately I did not find any pounamu, but Clem,
Sam, Ethan and some other people were lucky enough to find some pounamu. After the river we went to the beach to make sculptures.

Beach Sculptures
We were at the beach finding out our groups, I was in a group with
Nathan K, Callan, Xavier, Nathanael, Charlie and Nathan J.
We had to make a sculpture of Poutini the taniwha or Waitiki the lady,
my group made Waitiki. My group made ours out of sand and other things
we could find down at the beach. 
Night Activities
We had some activities to do when we got back. There were four activities
but we could only pick two of our favourite choices.
I picked rippa rugby and carving. The other two options were weaving and ki o rahi.
The Next Day
We all woke up and started packing up all our stuff and put it
in the cars before breakfast. For breakfast I had cornflakes, peaches and yoghurt.
We were saying our goodbyes and sang a waitia.

Lake Daniell Tramp

Lake Daniell Day Tramp

On the 12th of june we went to the Lewis Pass to do the Lake Daniell Tramp.
First we had to go in our car groups and go there.
My car group was Sam, Zac, Cullam, Jaxon and I, our driver was Matt Levien.
We left at about 8:45 am. It took us at least 1 hour and 30 minutes to get marble hill
car park. 

Once we got there we went over the rules and the risks of being stupid.
We started walking the track and it started off well.
I was walking with Nathan k and Nathan J.
We had our first break after 30 mins of walking. I had a barley sugar and a muesli bar.
It took at least 2 hours to get to the lake and another 2 hours back to the start. 

When we got the lake everyone went on the jetty.
I almost got pushed in by Nathan J.
We then had our lunch and a drink before we left to set off again.
On the way back we grabbed big sticks and through them into the river at the last bridge.
My heels were really saw after the walk and just wanted to go home, but we had to
drive back so 1 hour and 30 minutes of weird and funny songs we arrived
at school at about 6:00 pm.
The tramp was really fun but my feet were really saw after the walk.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Umbles

The Umbles

  1. Mumbles- It is when you get cold and can’t talk properly.
  2. Stumbles- It is when you get really cold and can not walk properly.
  3. Grumbles- It is when you start acting really angry and start saying mean stuff about people.
4. Fumbles- It is when you get really cold and you keep dropping stuff and can’t zip up your jacket.

Image result for snowflake free to use pngThese are the 4 stages of knowing someone has hypothermia.

Image from