Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rugby Animation

Today our class was making animations for digital literacy.


  1. hey im from gisborne i really find your blog funny i like your pst hope u make for me to watch, keep going gamers

  2. Hi there, my name is kobey and I am a student in room lh6 at gisborne intermediate school School. I really like how quirky and funny you wer ,i like how it combines entertainment and how much you like rugby. It made me think of what the world cup would be like,kind of, not really but it was still funny. Have you thought about adding sound into the take the l dance. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://kobey.w blogspot.co.nz.

  3. Thank you kobey for the feedback I will improve on that soon

  4. Hi there, my name is jack and i am a student in LH6 at gisborne intermediate school. i really like it it is funny and a good post maybe next time add some labels


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