Lightning never strikes twice, does it?
That was the question that occupied their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling together, next the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill…
Could you write a short paragraph describing what it would be like to be caught in a storm, using some of your ideas from above?
When it became night the lightning hit the ground like a meteorite crashing. The lightning sounded like a ferocious lion roaring. The building wasn’t doing but suddenly it started to creak. The moon was trying to shine through the thick black clouds until the lightning struck and pushed the clouds in front of the bright shiny moon. The sky was as black as my room at night. Ka Boom!! The thunder sounded like a freight train going down the track. The fat lady on the other side of the paddock. I sat down to brush my muddled up hair when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, another windmill across from me about 200 metres away with a figure of a boy in it. The lighting had finished but the crashing of the thunder hadn’t. About 6.00 AM the thunder suddenly stopped and the whole place looked like a complete mess same with the other windmill. I was so scared but now it's over I am glad.