How to be a nice friend.
1.To have nice manners like please and thank you.
2.Don't be a bully.
3.Help them when they hurt them self.
My goal this term is to make sure everyone is happy and friendly around the school.
Here is a story called: The bully,stand up

Once upon a time there was a bully around a big friendly school that he used to bully everyone.Until he got told to go to the principals office and had to go to detention.When he got out he was sad so this kid named Tyler came over and said do you want to be my friend because iv'e got no friends.After all that the bully had heaps of friends and he didn't bully anyone.The end
My reflection on this piece of writing is that I think I set my placement of writing and punctuation.
You have some good ideas on what Friendliness is Tyler. I like that you have included a story in your blog. Next time you could play around with different colours to make the different areas stand out and in your reflection write about what you will do in the future.